Such Trifles

Such Trifles

The Russian writer, dissident, and Nobel Prize for Literature laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1917-2008) was an outspoken critic of communism in what was then called the Soviet Union, and was imprisoned in the Siberian gulag for eight years for critical comments he...
It was a Golden Age

It was a Golden Age   We have the great Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “the highest law in the land” we are told. This video clip (above) is almost painful to watch with its self-congratulatory tone.  Ask Jordan...
Awe and Reverence

Awe and Reverence

On First Looking into Perry’s Podcast Much have I travell’d on the internet, And many goodly vids and jpegs seen; Round many reels & tik toks have I been Which bards in fealty to Osiris hold. Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-brow’d Horus ruled as...
The Sober Second Thought

The Sober Second Thought

Stopping the Creeping Cancer under Wokeism Henry Goulburn, PC, one of the British negotiators at the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 (which ended America’s illegal attempt to seize Canada), remarked: I had no idea of the fixed determination which there is in the heart of...
Sinister Dealings

Sinister Dealings

{In keeping with our tradition of welcoming a variety of perspectives on everyday life, we at The Ironist are open to submissions of matters relating to public interest raised by aggrieved contrarians. We recently received the following from an anonymous contributor....