The Art Thief
The Art Thief by Michael Finkel : A Book Review This year, 2023, has seen the publication of Michael Finkel’s The Art Thief, a riveting true account of the escapades of Stephane Breitwieser, a native of Alsace, and probably the most prolific art thief in history...
A Review of Two Books on the Subject of Book Burning
Richard Ovenden, Burning the Books: A History of Knowledge Under Attack, (John Murray, 2021) Kenneth Baker, On the Burning of Books: How Flames Fail to Destroy the Written Word, (Unicorn, 2016) The aim of those vandals who burn books in an open forum is arguably to...
It was a Golden Age
https://nigelscotchmer.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/test.mp4 We have the great Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “the highest law in the land” we are told. This video clip (above) is almost painful to watch with its self-congratulatory tone. Ask Jordan...